1.Example Cisco Router configuration
- Router>enable
- Router#config
- Router(config)#hostname N115-7206
- N115-7206(config)#interface serial 1/1
- N115-7206(config-if)ip address
- N115-7206(config-if)ipv6 address fe80::230:1bff:fe80:b8ea/64
- N115-7206(config-if)ipv6 enable
- N115-7206(config-if)no shutdown
- N115-7206(config-if)ctrl-z
- N115-7206#show interface serial 1/1
- N115-7206#config
- N115-7206(config)#interface ethernet 2/3
- N115-7206(config-if)#ip address
- N115-7206(config-if)#no shutdown
- N115-7206(config-if)#ctrl-z
- N115-7206#show interface ethernet 2/3
- N115-7206#config
- N115-7206(config)#ip name-server
- N115-7206(config)#ctrl-z
- N115-7206#ping archie.au
- N115-7206#config
- N115-7206(config)#enable secret password
- N115-7206(config)#ctrl-z
- N115-7206#copy running-config startup-config
- N115-7206#exit
2. Troubleshooting your Cisco router
Inevitably, there will be problems. Usually, it will come in the form of a user notifying you that they can not reach a certain destination, or any destinattion at all. You will need to be able to check how the router is attempting to route traffic, and you must be able to track down the point of failure.
You are already familiar with the
commands, both specific commands and how to learn what other show
commands are available. Some of the most basic, most useful commands you will use for troubleshooting are:
Router#show ip protocols
Router#show ipv6 protocols
Router#show ip route
Router#show ipv6 route
Router#show ip arp
Router#show ipv6 neighbors