Cisco Router Configuration Commands
- RequirementCisco CommandSet a console password to ciscoRouter(config)#line con 0Router(config-line)#loginRouter(config-line)#password ciscoSet a telnet passwordRouter(config)#line vty 0 4Router(config-line)#loginRouter(config-line)#password ciscoStop console timing outRouter(config-line)#exec-timeout 0 0Set the enable password to ciscoRouter(config)#enable password ciscoSet the enable secret password to peter.This password overrides the enable passwordand is encypted within the config fileRouter(config)#enable secret peterEnable an interfaceRouter(config-if)#no shutdownTo disable an interfaceRouter(config-if)#shutdownSet the clock rate for a router with a DCE cable to 64KRouter(config-if)clock rate 64000Set a logical bandwidth assignment of 64K to the serial interfaceRouter(config-if)bandwidth 64Note that the zeroes are not missingTo add an IP address to a interfaceRouter(config-if)#ip addr enable RIP on all 172.16.x.y interfacesRouter(config)#router ripRouter(config-router)#network RIPRouter(config)#no router ripTo enable IRGP with a AS of 200, to all interfacesRouter(config)#router igrp 200Router(config-router)#network IGRPRouter(config)#no router igrp 200Static route the remote network is, with a mask of, the next hop is, at a cost of 5 hopsRouter(config)#ip route 5Disable CDP for the whole routerRouter(config)#no cdp runEnable CDP for he whole routerRouter(config)#cdp runDisable CDP on an interfaceRouter(config-if)#no cdp enable
Cisco Router Show Commands
- RequirementCisco CommandView version informationshow versionView current configuration (DRAM)show running-configView startup configuration (NVRAM)show startup-configShow IOS file and flash spaceshow flashShows all logs that the router has in its memoryshow logView the interface status of interface e0show interface e0Overview all interfaces on the routershow ip interfaces briefView type of serial cable on s0show controllers 0 (note the space between the 's' and the '0')Display a summary of connected cdp devicesshow cdp neighborDisplay detailed information on all devicesshow cdp entry *Display current routing protocolsshow ip protocolsDisplay IP routing tableshow ip routeDisplay access lists, this includes the number of displayed matchesshow access-listsCheck the router can see the ISDN switchshow isdn statusCheck a Frame Relay PVC connectionsshow frame-relay pvcshow lmi traffic statsshow frame-relay lmiDisplay the frame inverse ARP tableshow frame-relay map
Cisco Router Basic Operations
- RequirementCisco CommandEnableEnter privileged modeReturn to user mode from privilegeddisableExit RouterLogout or exit or quitRecall last commandup arrow or <Ctrl-P>Recall next commanddown arrow or <Ctrl-N>Suspend or abort<Shift> and <Ctrl> and 6 then xRefresh screen output<Ctrl-R>Compleat CommandTAB
Cisco Router Copy Commands
- RequirementCisco CommandSave the current configuration from DRAM to NVRAMcopy running-config startup-configMerge NVRAM configuration to DRAMcopy startup-config running-configCopy DRAM configuration to a TFTP servercopy runing-config tftpMerge TFTP configuration with current router configuration held in DRAMcopy tftp runing-configBackup the IOS onto a TFTP servercopy flash tftpUpgrade the router IOS from a TFTP servercopy tftp flash
Cisco Router Debug Commands
- RequirementCisco CommandEnable debug for RIPdebug ip ripEnable summary IGRP debug informationdebug ip igrp eventsEnable detailed IGRP debug informationdebug ip igrp transactionsDebug IPX RIPdebug ipx routing activityDebug IPX SAPdebug IPX SAPEnable debug for CHAP or PAPdebug ppp authenticationSwitch all debugging offno debug all
undebug all